If you find phrases like 5A, 5B, or 5C hair popping up all the time and you don’t know what they are, that’s okay too. Before actually researching and writing this article, I had no idea what the hell 5C hair was. And this article will give you the most basic information about 5C hair, making it easier for you to distinguish them. Let’s get it!

You can find many information about 5C hair in this post!
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Definition of 5C hair
Before learning more about 5C hair, we will discuss hair types. You may accidentally come across some other hair types such as 3A hair, 4B hair. So how do those numbers and letters represent hair? Let’s continue reading this article.
What is number 5 type of hair – 5C hair’s definition
The most fine and straight hair is given the number 1, while the most coiled and kinked hair is given the number 4.
- Type 5 hair is often described as having a variety of curl patterns and frizz throughout its fine strands and is considered to be a natural hair texture.

5C hair is often curly hair, and such like kinky hair
- Type 5 hair, in its natural condition, may be anywhere from loosely coiled to firmly coiled, and its curl pattern is most often a S or Z. This pattern more closely resembles that of types 3A and 4C.
- The basis of the hair type system is the identification of curl patterns that occur naturally when hair grows out of our scalps. As we’ve already established, type 5 hair is seldom considered when discussing hair types and the maintenance they demand. Chemically treated hair, which is what type 5 hair is, is not included.
The only way to get the rare type 5 hair is to have your natural hair chemically altered by having it straightened, textured, relaxed, or reformed. Or if your hair is too weak to use chemicals, check out the hair seller who sells hair extensions. When using hair extensions, you will not need to worry about damaged hair.

5C hair type requires a hard and dry hair texture. If you fall in love with this hair style but worry about hair damage, you can try hair extension.
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Basic definition of 5C hair
The term “5C type hair” is often used to describe entirely straightened or relaxed hair. Since 5C hair requires more chemicals to totally relax or reconstruct the very thick curls, coils, or kinks, it is often the most overprocessed kind of hair.
- Since 5C hair is the densest, it often has Z-shaped curves that are coiled or as kinked and requires more intense chemical treatment.
- 5C hair style also became one of the Nigerian natural hair styles for ladies. This unique hairstyle is very suitable for the dry and naturally curly hair of Nigerians.

This is a variation of 5C hair, and it gradually becomes a popular hairstyle among American girls who love dynamic style.
- This is a fairly rare form of hair. Usually, when you search for information about type hair chart, it will only show data up to 4C hair. Number 5 hair type usually has less information. This will make it difficult for people with this type of hair to choose the right hair care products.
5C hair is usually only popular in Africa. However, now there are many American or European women who also love this hairstyle. Some people even choose hair extensions to create 5C hair without using chemicals on natural hair. Currently, there are many reputable hair extensions distributors, and one of the best hair distribution areas on the market today is Vietnamese hair. Vietnam hair extensions are always of good quality and affordable. In addition, Vietnamese hairdressers have a lot of experience, so any hairstyle you want can be done by Vietnamese hair makers.

Vietnamese hair is what you need for a 5C hair style
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How do you take care of 5C hair?
Overly treated and straightened 5C hair may cause it to become brittle and break easily. Therefore, special care must be taken while handling it so as to do as little harm to the hair as possible. Here are some tips for you to take care of 5C hair
Moisturize 5C hair
The modifications might cause 5C hair to dry out and break easily. This is why it’s so important to regularly apply conditioner to your hair, paying specific attention to the ends.

You can make the homemade hair mask for your 5C hair. This method will soften your hair
- 5C hair, as should be obvious, requires enough hydration. Whenever possible.
- Due to its dryness propensity, one of the best ways to maintain its suppleness and avoid breakage is to supply moisture with hydrating hair treatments and hair masks.
- A hydrating conditioner, shampoo, and leave-in treatment, as well as occasional hair masks, are the foundation of an efficient moisturizing routine.
Provide protein treatment for 5C hair
The presence of protein in hair is necessary for preserving its strength and flexibility; as a result, the hair is less prone to getting damaged by breaking.
- One of the most effective techniques to revive the health of 5C hair is to submit it to a protein treatment.
- It is feasible to produce a protein therapy for yourself using products that are commonly accessible in the house, such as eggs.

Eggs mask is one of the best method for providing protein for 5C hair
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- Because an excess of it may lead to hair breakage, it is essential to follow any kind of protein treatment with moisturizing hair products in order to restore some of the hair’s natural moisture.
In addition to this, this helps to maintain a healthy balance between the amount of protein and moisture in the hair, which is essential for maintaining healthy hair.
Prevent styling 5C hair type
The majority of individuals with 5C hair like to wear it out and often style it since it can be straightened and is easy to control. However, research has shown that consistently manipulating one’s hair in this manner might lead to hair breakage.

Don’t try to style your 5C hair too much. It will be damage to your hair
- Because the hair strands have already been damaged by the relaxer, these effects may be very significant for 5C hair in particular.
- As a result, it is important to sometimes maintain your hair in protective styles in order to prevent breaking of the hair strands and roots.
It is important to remember that even while using preventive styling techniques, you should not unduly manage your hair since doing so might have the opposite effect and cause breakage. - Flat twists and braids are two protective techniques that require little to no effort and are worth considering.
If you want to wear your hair out, you may want to think about tying it back. This prevents the hair strands that are most prone to breaking from producing friction against collars, clothing, or other objects that might contribute to the breakage of the hair.
Take heat precautions with your 5C hair
In order to maintain 5C hair, heat styling may be necessary, albeit not as often as with natural hair.

You should keep your 5C hair stay away from heating
- Always apply a heat-protecting product before using heat on your hair to keep the damage to a minimum.
- Keep in mind that 5C hair is more delicate and is susceptible to drying out or damage from heat styling tools.
- Because 5C hair has been processed so much, it is especially vulnerable to the harmful effects of heat styling tools.
In general, 5C hair will have its own requirements for care and maintenance. If the above is too difficult for you, you can look for hair extensions with style 5C hair. A small tip for first-time buyers of hair extensions is that you should buy real Vietnamese human hair. Numerous users have attested to this hair type’s durability (at least two years), affordability, and exceptional quality.
5S Hair factory – best hair manufacturer with 5C hair extensions style
5S Hair is the longest-running provider of hair extensions in Vietnam. Since its opening in 1989, the facility has served customers from more than a hundred different countries.

This Vietnamese hair factory has all curly hairstyle you want
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- If you’ve been looking for hair extensions in Vietnam, you’ve probably came across 5S Hair Factory. The 5S Hair Factory regularly delivers to the high standards of its clientele because it shuns shortcuts, mass manufacturing, and questionable vendors. The monthly output of this enterprise might reach 500 kg of hair.
- The 5S Hair team consistently puts in extraordinary effort to not only stay ahead of the curve but also to beat all of their targets in taking care of customers.
- For the most realistic-looking extensions, I highly recommend 5S Hair Factory. Feel free to ask the vendor any questions you have about the hair extensions’ quality.
Contact Ms. Lily through WhatsApp at +84855555754 with any concerns or queries you may have about your hair extension order.