How to wash your wig at home

Human hair wigs are not inexpensive, but they are well worth the investment. Because they’re made entirely of real human hair. For the wig to last as long as possible and look its best, it must be properly cared for. Do you wash your wig at home or have it washed by a professional? Here are some guidelines about how to wash your wig at home correctly.


How to wash your wig at home

The need to know how to wash your wig at home

According to studies, the majority of African-American women prefer to buy wigs. Wigs made of human hair are particularly popular. Maintaining or washing high-quality wigs becomes increasingly vital as they grow more affordable.

  • When it comes to human hair wigs, you want them to appear as natural as possible. You already know you need to know how to wash your wig at home and care for them properly, but figuring out the specifics, like how often and what products to use, can be difficult.

According to studies, the majority of African-American women prefer to buy wigs

  • Before wearing a new wig, you should clean it to remove any particles from the production process. Your cherished wig will benefit greatly from a suitable shampoo and hair maintenance regimen. It can, for example, extend the life of your wig and keep it in top shape.

We’ve put up some proper tips on how to wash your wig at home and maintain it looking its best to assist you with your at-home wig care regimen and to answer any queries.

How to wash your wig at home

The frequency with which you wash your hair is determined by how often you wear your wig. You can wash your wig every two weeks if you wear it every day. If you don’t use a wig frequently or only rarely, you should wash it at least once a month! Now that I’ve hopefully answered your question, let’s get started on how to wash your wig at home!


The frequency with which you wash your hair is determined by how often you wear your wig.

How to wash your wig at home: brush it gently

Brushing your wig is the first step in how to wash your wig at home. You can gently comb through any curls with a wide-tooth comb or your fingertips.

  • To begin, lightly brush the wig’s ends. Once they’re free of knots, brush or comb them back toward the roots until they don’t tangle.
  • Straight or wavy wigs should be styled using a steel wig and extension comb; curly wigs (including natural/African wigs) should be styled with a wide tooth comb or your finger.

Straight or wavy wigs should be styled using a steel wig and extension comb

How to wash your wig at home: Rinse with water

After that, you’ll need to damp your lace wig. Place your wig under running water and completely soak it in cooled warm water. Put your long wig in the shower to keep the lock from slipping down the drain.

  • Alternatively, you might soak your wig in water for a few minutes for a more thorough cleaning, especially if it appears to be very dirty or broken. However, regardless of how filthy your wig is, you must avoid rubbing, twisting, or wringing your hair. Your wig will be severely damaged if you do so.

To get the best results, use slightly warmer room temperature water

  • To get the best results, use slightly warmer room temperature water instead of cold or extremely hot water. This is a crucial aspect of how to wash your wig at home.

Wash your hair wigs

This is the main content of how to wash your wig at home. Using your hand, smooth a small amount of shampoo from the roots to the ends of the wig, avoiding the scalp. When washing your hair, be gentle; scrubbing or rubbing the strands can cause damage.

  • Use a decent grade washing shampoo designed exclusively for human hair wigs for optimal results. These shampoos are soft enough not to harm your hair, and they’re made specifically for wigs. Use mild color-treated hair shampoos on color-treated hair.
  • Shampoo will not be used on the wig directly. You’ll wash the wig instead with soapy water. Avoid conditioner-containing 2-in-1 shampoos. Hair conditioner can be used on wigs, but keep your hair away from the roots.

Shampoo will not be used on the wig directly

  • Turning the wig inside out and plunging it into the water for a thorough clean is an option. This will help the shampoo to distribute more evenly, especially around the wig cap, which is where sweat, dirt, and oil tend to collect the most.
  • Allow 5 minutes to soak the wig. Ensure that the wig is fully submerged in the water. During this period, do not move the wig. The hairs will tangle if they are pounded, squeezed, or twisted excessively.
  • Run lukewarm water from the roots to the tips of your hair to eliminate the shampoo. Before using conditioner, wipe your hair lightly with a towel after rinsing out the shampoo and ensuring the water is clear. You don’t want your hair to get wet, so the wig can be wet as well.

Run lukewarm water from the roots to the tips of your hair to eliminate the shampoo

How to wash your wig at home is also very versatile. Depending on the thickness of the wig, you may have to rinse two or three times.

How to wash your wig at home: condition

You think how to wash your wig at home is over? No, there are many other important steps and the first one is its condition.

  • Simply apply a small amount of conditioner to your hair and gently brush it with your fingertips. Wearing a cap wig with a lace front wig or a vented wig is not recommended. The threads are laced together. The curls will come out and the hairs will fall out if you use hair conditioner on them.

Simply apply a small amount of conditioner to your hair

  • Most hair conditioners can be left on for one to five minutes, but make sure you follow the guidelines on the package. When the timer goes off, run cold water down the length of the wig, ensuring that all of the conditioner has been drained before patting it dry.
  • In this step of how to wash your wig at home, Allowing the conditioner to permeate and moisturize the hair for a few minutes on the wig is similar to how your hair grows out of your head. Run cold water from the tip of the wig down to the ends once the one to five minutes has passed, making sure you’ve emptied the conditioner before patting it dry.

Most hair conditioners can be left on for one to five minutes

Let your wig dry

The last step of how to wash your wig at home is drying it. Wet wigs are more sensitive and damaged, thus drying them is a process that should be handled with caution.

  • Allow the wig to air dry by patting it lightly with a cloth. When wringing your wig, keep in mind that twisting will cause the wig to break or tangle.
  • You can even lay the wig on a clean cloth at the end. Starting with the end where the wig is fastened, roll the scarf into a tight bundle. Gently press down on the towel, then lift it gently to take the wig out.

Allow the wig to air dry by patting it lightly with a cloth

  • Comb your hair until the lace wig is totally dry, rather than using a drier. To make it easier to remove afterwards, spray some conditioner on the wig. If the wig is wavy, use styling mousse instead….
  • If you’re in a hurry, blow-dry the wig on your head. Dry the wig cap first with a hair dryer. Place the wig on top of the hat and attach with bobby pins once it has dried. While the wig is on, blow dry it completely. You avoid damaging the hair, make sure to use a low heat setting.

If you’re in a hurry, blow-dry the wig on your head

See how to dry hair with extensions here

5S Hair Factory – the reputable experts advise you how to wash your wig at home

Check out all of 5S Hair Factory’s wigs and extensions now that you know how to wash your wig at home. We have many distinct textures to choose from, whether you want a straight yaki or a loose wave.


Check out all of 5S Hair Factory’s wigs and extensions

If you found this useful, please let us know in the comments; we’ll be pleased to hear we were able to assist! If you want to buy a wig, please contact Ms. Lily: +84855555754

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