Abuja hair extensions – Promising product for wholesale hair extensions

Abuja is the capital of Nigeria, and is also home to many Nigerian hair extensions wholesalers. Abuja hair extensions are also a high quality product that any African hair extension wholesaler should have tried. In today’s article, we will help you learn more about Abuja hair extensions.


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General informations about Abuja hair extensions

Just like Lagos hair extensions, Abuja hair extensions are always one of the hair extensions that many users in the vicinity choose to buy.

  • Most Abuja hair extensions are not sourced from the city of Abuja. It is a selection of wholesale hair vendors in Abuja. The wholesalers here have meticulously selected the finest quality hair extensions from all over the world.

Each hair extension is the whole heart of the hair seller: from selection, importation to styling to sell to the market.

  • The price of Abuja hair extensions is quite cheap, even somewhat cheaper than Lagos, with only $ 8 for a bundle of 100 grams of hair. That’s because traffic in Abuja is a bit more convenient than by air, so the shipping fee when a wholesaler buys hair from another country will not be too high. Besides, when wholesalers in Abuja city, Nigeria buy hair extensions from Vietnamese hair factories, they will be warmly welcomed by Vietnamese factories and also subsidized shipping if Abuja wholesalers buy hair extensions with numbers large amounts.
  • In addition, thanks to the selection and discernment, the hair extensions wholesaler in Abuja always gives the best user experience. Abuja hair extensions in addition to affordable prices, the hair quality is also super good. Therefore, users when buying Abuja hair extensions will be able to be completely assured of the quality as well as the price.

Up to 50% of Abuja hair extensions are derived from Vietnam hair extensions, so that has helped Abuja hair extensions to be trusted by many users in the vicinity and often choose to buy hair extensions in the capital of Nigeria. If you are in the vicinity of Nigeria and do not know how to buy hair extensions from foreign hair factories, choose Abuja hair extension – hair extensions guaranteed for both quality and price.


Vietnamese hair extension is always the first choice of Abuja hair wholesalers

What are the origins of Abuja hair extensions

The people of Abuja always try to try out all the quality hair extensions from all over the world. Therefore, Abuja hair extensions are imported from many sources, and all of them are high quality hair extensions.

Vietnamese hair – The type of hair that dominates the market Abuja hair extensions

Not only for wholesalers in Abuja, but most wholesalers of hair extensions all over Africa are extremely satisfied with Vietnamese hair. Hair products made from Vietnamese hair are always selling well, from eyelashes to wigs, they are all sold out.


Vietnam hair extensions are always the choice of Abuja hair extensions wholesalers

  • Vietnam hair extensions originated from Vietnamese women with super strong hair. Hair factories will collect these women’s hair and select the hair of satisfactory quality for hair extensions.
  • In addition to the shine, Vietnam hair extensions also have their own properties that you can only find when buying hair from a Vietnamese hair factory: jet black, easy to restyle, can be dyed, bleached (up to 2 times). As a result, Abuja hair extensions wholesalers when buying Vietnamese hair will easily style and create their own special features for their hair extensions.

Vietnam hair is easy to make new hairstyle and new color

  • A Vietnamese hair factory has said that they have a lot of customers from Nigeria and up to 80% of their orders are sent to some big cities in Nigeria such as Abuja, Lagos. That shows that hair extensions from Vietnam have great attraction to wholesale Nigeria Abuja hair extensions.
  • Besides, Vietnamese hair factories always have special preference for Abuja hair extensions wholesalers in Nigeria. They have a process to help Nigerian hair sellers better understand how to import hair extensions from Vietnam to Nigeria. Factory salesmen are always enthusiastically advising and providing hair extensions wholesalers with the hair models they like best.


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There is a special thing that Abuja hair extensions always need a lot of change and creativity. Therefore, Vietnamese hair is a wise choice for wholesalers to create Abuja hair extension.

Abuja hair extensions are sourced from Chinese hair – products with low quality and cheap price

As for the Abuja hair extensions originating from China, they are the hair type for users of the low to medium segment. Or those users who do not need to use hair extensions too much, only use hair extensions for special occasions.


Chinese hair is very cheap and many people who don’t use hair extensions much are really into this hair

  • Hair extensions from China are actually a combination of hair extensions from many different sources. Due to the shortage of hair self-sufficiency in the country, Chinese factories have to choose to import hair from other countries such as India, Cambodia, and Brazil. Therefore, the quality of Chinese hair is not uniform.
  • Besides, if you want to dye and style your own Abuja hair extensions originating from China, it’s almost impossible to do. With a disagreement about the quality of the hair, it will be harmful if you try to apply heat or chemicals to this hair extension.
  • However, Abuja hair extensions originating from Chinese hair are still well received by some users. This type of hair extension will be suitable for users who have little need to use hair extensions. Because in general, Chinese hair extensions are always beautifully processed. No matter how difficult the seller’s requirements are, with super modern machinery systems, Chinese hair factories can create super shimmering hair extensions to send to you.

Chinese hair factories can deal with a very difficult hairstyle and color

  • Besides, the price of Chinese hair is always super cheap, only from $80 for a full wig. With this price, of course human hair will only take up a part, the rest is synthetic fiber. However, for low-demand users, it is perfectly suitable for them to use only on important occasions.

In general, most Abuja hair extensions are considered to be of good quality. In addition to serving more customers, hair extensions wholesalers still import hair of not too high quality at super cheap prices. This will help those who need less hair extensions without having to spend too much money to still be able to use beautiful hair extensions.

Indian hair – Qualified hair to create Abuja hair extensions

Besides Vietnam hair extensions, Indian hair is also a good quality product to create Abuja hair extensions.

  • The first thing that makes a wholesaler in Abuja choose Indian hair because this is the kind of Abuja hair extensions you can easily buy anywhere. The supply of hair extensions in India is extremely abundant. Besides, the output of hair extensions in India reaches 1000 tons per month. So, you can easily find hair extensions of Indian origin in any shop in Abuja.

Indian hair is displayed on many hair extensions store in Abuja

  • Besides, the price of Indian hair extensions is also quite affordable. If you buy hair in bulk, you can also get a discount of 10% – 40%. This is also an affordable choice for Abuja hair extensions wholesalers when choosing to buy hair in bulk.
  • However, hair factories scam happens quite a lot in India. So if you intend to buy Indian hair in bulk to create Abuja hair extensions, consider carefully and avoid making a deposit without really having the correct information of the seller.
  • Indian hair is naturally quite curly, stiff and a bit dry. But Abuja hair extensions will prefer Vietnamese bone straight hair types. However, with such dry hair, Indian hair will have an advantage in curly hair. There are Abuja curly hair extensions originating from India that can keep curls up to 1 year.

Indian hair is suitable to make curly hair extensions Abuja

In general, this is also the type of hair that many Abuja hair extensions sellers love. Although not as durable and beautiful as Vietnamese hair extensions, Indian hair is still a type of hair that many wholesale Nigeria hair should buy because the price of the hair is not too expensive, the quality is just standard but not necessarily excellent.

Others hair sources

In addition to the 3 main hair sources above, Abuja hair extensions are also created from some well-known hair sources in the world:

  • Brazilian hair: This is a hair extension from the Americas and also accounts for a small part of the Abuja hair extension market. This hair type is a bit expensive compared to other hair types, so Abuja hair extensions made from brazil hair account for only a small part. The advantage of this hair type is that it is quite strong, has a brown color due to being tinted with the sun of the Caribbean Sea.

Brazil hair is strong and smooth, but its price is quite high

  • Cambodian hair. This type of hair also accounts for only a small amount, less than 5% of the total production of Abuja hair extensions. Just in case the wholesaler cannot import hair extensions from Vietnam, they will have an alternative choice of Cambodian hair. Hair from Cambodia is also quite durable, beautiful, jet black and gently curly.

Cambodian hair has all the characteristics of Asian hair: jet black, bouncy and shiny

  • UK hair. A representative of high quality hair extensions at super expensive prices from Europe. This hair type has the typical blonde color of European people. The hair is quite small, thin, and soft, so when you want to use chemicals or high temperature on your hair, it will easily damage your hair. Abuja hair extensions made from Peru hair should usually only be used, not restyled.

UK hair has a feature blonde or bright color

In general, Abuja hair extensions have a variety of hair sources for users to choose from. Depending on your needs, you should choose a good quality hair source and a reasonable price with your finances.

Advantages and disadvantages of Abuja hair extensions

Of course, any type of hair extension has its own advantages and disadvantages. So let’s learn about the merits and demerits of Abuja hair extensions to decide whether to buy or not.

Advantages of Abuja hair extensions

Located in the heart of Nigeria, Abuja is the gateway to other Nigerian cities. If Lagos is the gateway for overseas hair extensions orders, then Abuja is Nigeria’s domestic hair extension hub.


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  • When buying hair extensions Abuja, you will be shipped faster than other areas. Because traffic in the capital is always more convenient, especially there is an international airport that can transport goods if you are an overseas hair buyer and love Abuja hair extensions.
  • Nigerians always have a very standard view of hair extensions. They have been using hair extensions for centuries, so they have a lot of experience in choosing standard hair extensions. Therefore, Abuja hair extensions are the most quintessential thing that the hair wholesaler in this city sends to consumers.
  • Besides, the price of Abuja hair extensions is also extremely affordable. Abuja hair extensions are not only chosen to buy by wholesalers in other areas, but also by domestic sellers who trust Abuja hair extensions because of their reasonable prices and high quality.

Overall, if you are in the vicinity of Nigeria, buying Abuja hair extensions is within reach. This is a very affordable hair type (because it is imported mainly from Vietnam hair source – has a reasonable price) and the quality is excellent.


With Abuja hair extensions originating from Vietnam, you will be able to buy them at an extremely affordable price and with excellent quality.

Disadvantages of Abuja hair extensions

Besides many good sides, Abuja hair extensions also have some limitations as follows:

  • Hair extensions are mostly processed. Almost every Abuja hair extensions wholesalers, Nigeria, after importing raw hair, will process chemicals on the hair extension to turn it into a typical Abuja hair extension. These hairstyles are turned into trendy hairstyles by wholesaler Abuja. However, if you want to remake the hair extensions style yourself, you need to notify the seller in advance so that they do not have a chemical effect on the hair, making it easy for you to create the hairstyle you want from Abuja hair extensions.
  • Sometimes there will not be the hair extensions you want. The people of Abuja all choose to buy their hair from reputable hair factories, and sometimes those factories need to select their hair carefully, so it takes a bit of time. That leads to hair extensions that will not be able to arrive in Abuja in time. Therefore, you should be prepared to wait patiently when buying Abuja hair extensions.

Sometimes you have to preorder Abuja hair extensions at least 1 week

  • You won’t find too much information about Abuja hair extensions on websites. The reason is that Abuja is just a potential area for hair extensions, but when you search for Nigerian hair extensions, you will find more hair extensions in Lagos. Abuja hair extensions is still a newcomer in the Nigerian hair extension village. However, surely in the following years, when the demand of hair buyers looking to Nigeria is high, Abuja hair extensions will grow strongly.

Overall, Abuja hair extensions are still on the rise. Hopefully in the near future, when more and more buyers come to Nigeria to buy hair, they will pay attention to Abuja’s hair extensions. Because Lagos is in a state of saturation of hair extensions, so many hair wholesalers have sprouted up in this area that users are confused as to where a really reliable supplier is. Abuja hair extensions is expected to grow better, so that the Nigerian hair extensions industry will have many bases and stand firmly in the hair extensions market in the world.

Some reputable hair vendors providing the best Abuja hair extensions

Below are Abuja hair extensions suppliers with affordable prices and standard quality for you to choose from.

Duchess hair Abuja – one of the biggest Abuja hair extensions suppliers

Located in the heart of Abuja city, Duchess hair is the most famous hair extension salon in the area.

  • This Abuja hair extensions supplier always gives users luxurious and fashionable Nigerian wigs. Besides, they have super enthusiastic caring staff.
  • This Abuja hair extensions supplier sells both on the website and has a fairly large store located in Wuse 2. So, if you are a hair buyer near Abuja, you can absolutely go to their store directly to see the quality. hair extensions and exchange prices.
  • This Abuja hair extensions supplier gets a lot of compliments on the quality of the hair. For a sales person, the best thing is to receive good feedback about the items they sell. And Duchess hair receives hundreds of compliments on their products.


  • The only downside of this Abuja hair extensions seller is that they do not publicize the price on the website. And this will make it difficult for customers when they want to buy Duchess hair online. – the most well-known Abuja hair extensions vendor

In Nigeria, is the top option for buying and selling Abuja hair extensions hair. They offer virgin human hair, hair from Brazil, Peru, India, and Malaysia, inexpensive human hair, lace frontal and closure, women’s hair wigs, and cosmetic products at wholesale prices.

Palace of Grandeur – Human Hair Abuja

  • Possessing a huge number of followers with nearly 5k followers, Palace of Grandeur – Human Hair Abuja quickly became loved by many users because of its good hair quality and affordable price.

Palace of Grandeur also provides hair care extensions product

  • Besides providing hair extensions, this hair vendor also has hair extensions care products such as conditioners, shampoos, and so on.
    Palace of Grandeur also received many positive feedbacks about the quality of hair extensions as well as service attitude. This is really a place that sells Abuja hair extensions that you should experience when buying hair in Abuja.
  • The seller also doesn’t provide pricing on its Instagram page. So, it will be quite difficult for you if you want to consult the price of this Abuja hair extension supplier.

5S Hair factory – a hair factory often provide Vietnamese hair for Abuja hair extensions sellers

5S Hair factory has been established for 3 decades and is one of the most famous Vietnamese hair factories in Nigeria. Up to 30% of hair extensions wholesalers know this factory’s reputation for top quality hair at affordable prices.

  • With prices as low as $7 for 100 grams of super quality hair, you can make huge profits in just a short time importing hair from 5S Hair factory. Therefore, a lot of Abuja hair extensions wholesalers choose to stick with hair extensions that come from 5S Hair factory.


  • Besides, the client staff of 5S Hair are always ready to support you enthusiastically 24/7. They are all hair experts with over 2 years of experience in the hair extension industry. They can even advise you on how to start a hair business in Nigeria.
  • To enjoy the preferential hair price and special gifts from 5S Hair factory, quickly contact the client manager: +84855555754 (Ms. Lily).

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