Fusion hair extensions are an extension that gives you the freedom to style your hair however you want. They are one of the simplest hairdressing techniques but do you know the cost of fusion hair extensions? Read on to find out more about this product and its price.

The cost of fusion hair extensions and things you don’t know about it
What are fusion hair extensions and the cost of fusion hair extensions?
Before learning more about the cost of fusion hair extensions, let’s first clarify what is meant by the term “fusion hair extensions” if you are unfamiliar with it. In order for customers to determine whether the cost of fusion hair extensions are reasonable or not, we will both demonstrate to you the characteristics of a fusion hair extension below
- In this hair extension method, fusion hair extensions are fused to certain strands of your natural hair using a glue like keratin glue. For this extension technique, non-damaging keratin glue is typically applied to the tips of the best hair types so the cost of fusion hair extensions is reasonable.
- In terms of how long they last after a single installation, fusion hair extensions are one of the three types. Therefore, the cost of fusion hair extensions is more expensive than the cost of other hair extensions.

The cost of fusion hair extensions is higher than the cost of other hair extensions
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- A hair extension is referred to as permanent specifically if it can endure more than 4 weeks following application. Therefore, the cost of fusion hair extensions is more expensive than the cost of other hair extensions.
This time frame is measured from the moment the hair extension is put in place until it is delayed for storage or reapplication. In comparison to less long-lasting forms, the cost of fusion hair extensions is fairly costly.
Comparing the cost of fusion hair extensions to other hair extensions
Now that we are aware of all the primary qualities of permanent hair extensions, let’s examine the cost of fusion hair extensions to determine whether they are worthwhile to purchase and invest in.
The average price of tape-in hair extensions for permanent use
- A typical Indian wholesale hair provider will charge 60 USD/100g for 20-inch natural human tape-in hair extensions, whereas a UK supplier will charge 158.6 USD/100g. The cost of fusion hair extensions is often around 109 USD/100g.

Comparing the cost of fusion hair extensions to other hair extensions
- This quantity of these cost of fusion hair extensions is well worth the hair value because tape in hair extensions are a practical option for hair extensions.
- Additionally, it is extremely affordable when compared to many other kinds of hair extensions cost. After taking into account all of the cost of fusion hair extensions listed below, you will realize this.
The average price of sew-in permanent hair extensions
Permanent hair extension costs for the 20-inch sew-in human hair extensions are set at USD/bundle. Typically, each bundle of sew-in human hair extensions costs $100 and is located nearby.
- Permanent hair extensions are available from a Raw Indonesian hair manufacturer for as little as 47 USD per bundle.
- The most expensive bundle of sew-in human hair extensions available from the UK distributor is priced at USD 134. 90 USD/bundle is the typical cost of fusion hair extensions.
- The medium long sew in human hair extensions generally have reasonable prices compared to the cost of fusion hair extensions. This price is suitable for such prolonged use.
The average cost of fusion hair extensions or pre-bonded permanent hair extensions
While a UK supplier’s cost of fusion hair extensions is 162 USD/100g for 20 inch natural fusion & pre-bonded hair extensions, a typical Indian wholesale hair supplier will charge 72 USD/100g for cost of fusion hair extensions The cost of permanent hair extensions, also known as hair extensions, is typically around 117 USD/100g.

The average cost of fusion hair extensions or pre-bonded permanent hair extensions
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Of all forms of hair extensions, the cost of fusion hair extensions are the most expensive compared to tape in hair extensiosn and micro bead hair extensions. Additionally, the hair fusion extensions cost will increase due to the installation costs. Before considering making an investment in this kind of permanent hair extensions, carefully weight the advantages and disadvantages.
Which nations are best for importing affordable cost of fusion hair extensions?
The country that provides the greatest high-quality hair with the most affordable cost of fusion hair extensions is Vietnam. Here are some incredibly important qualities of Vietnamese fusion hair extensions to help clarify the reasonableness of the cost of fusion hair extensions from Vietnam.
- The cost of fusion hair extensions from Vietnam in salons also falls under these two categories. Remy hair is gathered from two or more donors, while virgin hair is gathered from one donor. Since they are all made of fresh, unprocessed human hair, their cuticles and alignments are all uniformly maintained. The cost of fusion hair extensions from Vietnam can be expensive a little more locally, but they’re worth it!
- Single drawn, double dawn, and super double drawn are three common quality ratings with varying prices for permanent hair extensions. Because more than 80% of the hair is the same length and is therefore thick and natural-looking, super double drawn hair is of the greatest grade. The Cost of fusion hair extensions varies depending on the quality levels.

Vietnam provides the greatest high-quality hair with the most affordable cost
- Vietnamese hair sellers sell hair extensions in a variety of lengths, ranging from 8 to 30+ inches. This makes it possible for you to experiment with any hairdo, including pixie cuts, bone straight hair, kinky hair, and body wave weaves. The cost of fusion hair extensions varies as well.
Now you know where to find the best price and best quality hair extensions. You can invest in it without worrying about the cost of fusion hair extensions.
Advice for finding the most affordable cost of fusion hair extensions
When it comes down to it, how can you find the greatest hair extensions for the best price? You should take into account our advice when looking for the best cost of fusion hair extensions, regardless of whether you are a hair extension reseller or end-user. These suggestions on the cost of fusion hair extensions are all provided by knowledgeable hair professionals in the industry – 5S Hair Factory
- For the greatest pricing on fusion hair extensions, always do your research and only work with trustworthy vendors: When offering the cost of fusion hair extensions in a salon, the suppliers will determine whether or not your investment is a good deal.

5S Hair Factory where you can get the best quality of hair extensions
👉👉👉Click to contact 5S Hair factory now: (+84) 855 555 754 for a special discount👈👈👈
- A trustworthy distributor will offer you the greatest hair extensions for the best price, the best cost of fusion hair extensions, or the best price for long-lasting hair extensions. An unreliable one, on the other hand, would sell you low-quality hair for a high price or charge you unfairly high fees for permanent hair extensions. Therefore, don’t be afraid to research all websites, social media, or other platforms to find the Southeast Asian raw hair vendors who have the best cost of fusion hair extensions.
- Keep in mind that the cost of fusion hair extensions is justified by the quality: If the hair quality is inferior to the permanent extensions price, a high cost of fusion hair extensions may become unjustifiable. So please pay attention to the quality of the hair before considering the cost of fusion hair extensions.
You just heard everything there is to know about the cost of fusion hair extensions. I hope this essay has provided you with a lot of useful information on the cost of fusion hair extensions. We’ve also discussed many other fascinating topics, such as where to find the best human hair factory.

Advice for finding the most affordable cost of fusion hair extensions
If you have any questions about hair extensions or want to purchase other types of hair extensions such as tape in, clip ins extensions, contact Ms. Lily +84855555754 through WhatsApp to get the best advice and best price ever!