Does bone straight hair tangle and how to get rid of it

Bone straight hair extension is a favorite hairstyle of many people because it always looks very smooth and shiny. So does bone straight hair tangle? And if the answer is yes, how to avoid tangled hair extensions? This article will help you to solve all the above problems.

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Does bone straight hair tangle easily

Bone straight hair is one of the most popular hair extensions on the market, especially with African customers who love shine and smooth straightness. Many people when buying bone straight hair care about whether they are tangled, for example, those who buy hair extensions wholesale for redistribution worry that long-lasting hair will become tangled and lose shine, and consumers are worried about preservation way. To answer the question “Does bone straight hair tangle”, you first need to consider some of the factors that lead to your hair extensions getting tangled.

Does bone straight hair tangle – double check your hair extension quality

Hair quality is a major factor in determining whether your bone straight hair is tangled or not.

  • If you buy hair extensions from reputable hair factories like Vietnam, it is 100% guaranteed that your bone straight hair extensions will very rarely get tangled. Because Vietnamese hair extensions are taken from young Vietnamese women with strong hair. So, to answer for the question “Does bone straight hair tangle” not only Vietnamese bone straight hair, other hair extensions of Vietnam are rarely tangled because the hair quality is at the top of the hair extension industry. You should know about maintain bone straight hair. It will help you a lot if your bone straight hair get tangle.
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Does bone straight hair tangle? -Bone straight hair from Vietnam never tangle

  • Besides, if you buy hair factory from China, the possibility of your bone straight hair getting tangled is quite high. Since there are not many authentic Chinese hair extensions, Chinese hair factories have to import raw hair from other countries. Therefore, the hair quality is not consistent, it is easy to make Chinese bone straight hair extensions tangled, even dry.
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Chinese hair origin is from many coutries

  • In fact, bone straight hair is not easy to tangle because the hair structure is straight, the shiny hair is difficult to attract dust. However, you need to choose a good quality hair extension to ensure that your bone straight hair will not be tangled and will last for a long time.

Does bone straight hair tangle – How often do you take care of your extensions?

How often you take care of your bone straight extensions will also affect whether or not your extensions will tangle.

  • Unlike other hair extensions, bone straight hair will not need much conditioner for hair extensions. However, you should also use hair extension care oil at least once a week to keep your hair shiny and smooth. This will minimize the chances of your hair getting tangled.
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In order to not worry about “Does bone straight hair tangle”, you need to take care of your hair

  • In addition, regular hair care also helps maintain the durability of your hair, helping your hair to remain strong, healthy and beautiful as when it was new.
  • So, if your bone straight hair extension shows signs of tangling, use a hair conditioner. Besides, you should store hair extensions in a dry place, away from sunlight. And the bone straight hair extension after use should be hung up, avoiding wrapping the hair and then storing it. This makes it easy to make bone straight hair tangle.

“Does bone straight hair tangle”? – If you often care of your bone straight hair, it never get tangled

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Using chemicals on bone straight hair extensions

If you regularly use hairdressing chemicals such as dyes and curlers, the quality of the hair extensions will decrease, and the hair is easy to tangle.

  • Like other hair extensions, bone straight hair will also become tangled if it is subjected to heat or chemical impact.
  • Therefore, the use of chemicals on hair extensions should be minimized. In case you can curl or dye your hair extensions, you must have the support of a hair expert.
  • In addition, bone straight hair extensions are difficult to curl. So, if you intend to curl your bone straight hair, try changing to using natural straight.

In general, bone straight hair is rarely tangled. However, you should also regularly take care of your hair, as well as choose to buy hair from reputable hair production facilities, or raw hair from raw Cambodian hair vendor or Vietnamese hair vendor,  so that you don’t need to worry about does bone straight hair tangle.

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Cambodian raw hair is quite good to do some chemical progress

How to get rid of the problem “Does bone straight hair tangle”

Compared to other hair extensions, bone straight hair is easier to remove tangles. As long as you follow the tips below, your bone straight hair will be completely free of tangles and breakage.

  • Use hair extension conditioner up to once a week. You should not use too much hair conditioner for bone straight hair. This will only make the hair more prone to stickiness and tangles. Just once a week is enough for this type of hair extension.
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Using hair conditioner to get rid of hair tangle

  • Maintain your hair properly. After each use, you should hang your hair on the mannequin, and keep it in a dry place, away from direct sunlight. This not only helps hair maintain its durability, but also helps bone straight hair not get tangled after each use.
  • Avoid using heat on your hair. After washing your hair extensions, you should use a hair dryer on a cool wind setting to prevent your hair from drying out and leading to tangles.
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How to avoid the problem “Does bone straight hair tangle”? -Don’t use too much heat on your bone straight hair extensions

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  • Use essential oils with natural essences such as coconut oil, grapefruit oil to nourish your hair. This will keep the hair shiny, smooth and stronger.

Natural oil will help your bone straight hair smoother and silker

In short, bone straight hair extensions are easy to maintain and avoid tangles. As long as you maintain a regular hair care routine, you will not worry about does bone straight hair tangle.

5S Hair factory – provide the best bone straight hair extension

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Many wholesalers hair in the world love 5S Hair factory hair extensions because they don’t need to worry about “Does bone straight hair tangle”

  • Furthermore, this location is always up to date on the latest hairstyles. Before transferring the best hair qualities to clients, 5S Hair Factory always evaluates with hair types with unique colours and textures.
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